Stop Cyberbulling in Ontario Day 2022: Guide to Employers’ Obligations for Preventing and Responding to Cyberbullying
Overview The second annual Stop Cyber Bullying in Ontario Day will be held on Friday, June 17, 2022. The Ontario provincial government enacted the Stop Cyberbullying in Ontario Day Act, 2020 [SCODA] on September 24th, 2020, to raise awareness and encourage discussions in schools and workplaces in order to provide children and adults with the […]
Canadian HR Reporter: Ontario worker’s termination for culpable absences not discriminatory
Joel Smith discussed attendance management policies and programs in relation to Bezoine v City of Ottawa, a decision by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal that dismissed the discrimination claim of a probationary worker who was dismissed for too many unexplained absences, despite the fact that the worker had medical issues that had led to other, […]
Employee Sophistication Irrelevant to Interpreting Employment Contracts
In the highly anticipated decision of Rahman v Cannon Design Architecture Inc. [Rahman], the Ontario Court of Appeal (“ONCA”) held that where a termination clause violates the Employment Standards Act, 2000 [ESA], it cannot be interpreted as complying with the ESA simply because the employee was sophisticated, had access to legal advice in negotiating the […]
Spring 2022 Newsletter
Welcome to the 2022 Spring edition of In The Know.
The Deadline for Ontario Employers to Implement a Disconnecting from Work Policy is June 2, 2022
In November 2021, the Ontario government passed the Working for Workers Act, 2021 [WFWA 2021] and significantly changed the province’s employment standards framework. The WFWA 2021 amendments to Ontario’s Employment Standards Act, 2000 [ESA] require certain employers to implement polices related to disconnecting from work. Ontario employers that have 25 or more employees as of […]