Williams HR Law LLP

Employer Ordered to Pay $15,000 for Failure to Address Workplace Sexual Harassment

Employers who fail to appropriately address workplace sexual harassment can face significant liability. In the recent decision of Milligan v Maczak Holdings Ltd. [Milligan], an employee was awarded $15,000 in damages for successfully arguing that her employer discriminated against her by not responding to her repeated complaints of sexual harassment at work. Notably, the harassment […]

WSIB Benefits Granted to Employee who Drove Home Drunk and Crashed Employer’s Vehicle

Employers have a vested interest in limiting their employees’ claims to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (“WSIB”), as premium rates are influenced, in part, by the number of claims. In the recent decision of Interpaving Limited v. Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal [Interpaving Limited], the employer challenged an employee’s claim for workers’ compensation […]

Three-Day WSIB Reporting Deadline for Work-Related Accidents Now in Effect

The Workplace Safety Insurance Board (“WSIB”) has amended its Operational Policy Manual to implement changes in employer reporting obligations for work-related accidents. Including a new deadline for employers to file a report of workplace injury. Under the new reporting deadline, employers must report any work-related accidents that occurred on or after September 29, 2023 within […]