Williams HR Law LLP

HRD Canada: Key factors for creating an effective whistleblower policy

January 3, 2025

Aleksandra Pressey discussed critical success factors in creating an effective whistleblower program following the phased expansion of whistleblower protections in British Columbia.

See an excerpt below:

Key factors for creating an effective whistleblower policy

After BC expands protections, employment law expert explains difference between policy success and failure

Confidentiality and protection from reprisal are the two key components of an effective whistleblower policy, according to an employment law expert. These considerations go  hand in hand with ensuring  reports are acted upon promptly and transparently, which can  prevent them from escalating.

Earlier this month, British Columbia expanded whistleblower protections to research universities and WorkSafeBC, highlighting the topic of whistleblower policies and the need for employers to review them.

BC’s phased approach was a deliberate effort to allow organizations time to develop the resources and infrastructure necessary to handle disclosures effectively, said Aleksandra Pressey, a lawyer and workplace investigator at Williams HR Law.

Read more via HRD Canada.