Williams HR Law LLP

Bill 148 Receives Royal Assent

November 28, 2017

Bill 148, the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017, received Royal Assent on November 27, 2017. Bill 148 is now law, and the amendments it makes to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (the “ESA”), the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (the “LRA”), and the Occupational Health and Safety Act (the “OHSA”) have begun coming into force.

While most provisions of Bill 148 will be coming into force on or after January 1, 2018, including all amendments to the LRA and many of the ESA amendments, there are several exceptions. On the day Bill 148 received Royal Assent, the ESA amendments prohibiting employee misclassification came into force, as did the OHSA amendment prohibiting employers in most industries from requiring employees to wear high heels in the workplace.  On December 3, 2017, the new Critical Illness Leave and extended Parental Leave entitlement will come into force.

For more information about the Bill 148 amendments and how they may impact your workplace, please see our blog and the Bill 148 edition of our newsletter, In the Know.

This blog is provided as information and a summary of workplace legal issues.

This information is not intended as legal advice.
