Williams HR Law LLP

Supreme Court of Canada: Federally Regulated Employers Only Need to Inspect Workplaces Under Their Control for Employees’ Safety

In a decision rendered just before the new year, the Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”) clarified that federally regulated employers’ obligation to inspect workplaces for safety hazards only extends to parts of workplaces over which they have control. Most employers in Canada are provincially regulated, which means that they are subject to provincial legislation, such […]

What Is Not Workplace Harassment

A recent grievance arbitration decision, Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology v. Ontario Public Service Employees Union (“Fanshawe College”), provides valuable guidance to employers on what is – and what is not – considered workplace harassment. 

Federal Elections: Employers’ Responsibilities

On Monday, October 19, 2015, Canadians will return to the polls to elect a federal government.  Pursuant to the Canada Elections Act (the “Act”), every Canadian citizen who is 18 years of age or older is entitled to three consecutive hours while polls are open on election day in order to cast their vote.