Williams HR Law LLP

A Rose by Any Other Name… the Lurking Risk of Constructive Dismissal

Most employers are aware of the concept of constructive dismissal, which occurs when an employer unilaterally makes changes to an employee’s terms of employment that fundamentally alter the nature of the job. This can result from changes in compensation, changes in work functions, a loss in status or prestige, or any other change which indicates […]

New Employment and Labour Law Legislation: “The Fair Workplaces,Better Jobs Act, 2017” Potentially Coming to Workplaces Across Ontario

Ontario’s Minister of Labour appointed two Special Advisors in 2015 to conduct a Changing Workplaces Review (the “Review”) to consider issues related to the changing nature of employment relationships, and how Ontario’s labour and employment legislation could be amended to better address those issues. On May 23, 2017, the Special Advisors released their much-anticipated Final […]

Termination Clauses Must Comply with the ESA

On February 23, 2017, the Ontario Court of Appeal (the “Court of Appeal”) released its much anticipated decision, Wood v. Fred Deeley Imports Ltd., 2017 ONCA 158 (“Wood”). The decision brings needed clarity to the interplay between contractual termination of employment provisions and the minimum standards established in the Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000 (the […]

Medical Documentation and Disability-Related Accommodation Requests

On February 1, 2017, the Ontario Human Rights Commission (the “Commission”) released a policy statement regarding its position on medical information to be provided when individuals request disability-related accommodations. The new policy statement is especially topical for employers, who have a statutory duty under Ontario’s Human Rights Code to accommodate employees with respect to disability […]

New AODA Compliance Obligations for Small Employers

The start of the new year brought with it new compliance standards under the Integrated Accessibility Standards Requlation of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (“AODA”). As of January 1, 2017, small organizations will have to ensure that they comply with the applicable provisions of the Accessible Employment Standards, which focus on the recruitment […]