It’s 2019!: The Modern View of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

In 2019, workplace harassment and sexual harassment received considerably more attention than ever before.
Upcoming Deadlines for Employers Under the AODA

Going into 2020, employers with 20 or more employees should be aware of a few upcoming deadlines under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and its Integrated Accessibility Standards regulation (the “AODA”). The AODA sets out accessibility standards for the purpose of helping achieve accessibility for all Ontarians with disabilities by 2025.
The New WSIB Rate Framework Is Almost Here: What Employers Need to Know

As regular readers of our blog know, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (“WSIB”) has been developing a new Rate Framework
Best Practices for Employers to Minimize Holiday Party Related Liability

Office holiday parties are a great way for employers to show appreciation for their employees’ hard work throughout the year and to bring their teams closer together, but they also present risks that employers often don’t foresee. Most employers are aware that a common issue that can arise during holiday parties is intoxication, but there […]
Court of Appeal Clarifies Thresholds for Constructive Dismissal, Intentional Infliction of Mental Suffering

In 2019, workplace harassment and sexual harassment are receiving considerably more attention than ever before.
Saving Provisions Are Not a Silver Bullet for Ensuring Termination Clause Enforceability

The Ontario Superior Court of Justice (“ONSC”) recently released a new decision on the use of “saving provisions” in employment agreements that may have serious implications for the enforceability of termination clauses.
Upcoming Changes to Ontario Court Procedures and the Potential Implications for Employers

On January 1, 2020 the monetary limits for claims proceeding in Ontario’s Small Claims Court, and under Rule 76 simplified procedure of the Rules of Civil Procedure (the “Rules”) in the Superior Court of Justice will be increased.
Good News for Employers Regarding the Enforceability of Termination Clauses

As many employers know, enforceable termination clauses that limit employees’ common law termination entitlements are essential to minimize the costs involved with ending employment relationships,
Legalization of Cannabis Edibles

As most Ontario employers know, new regulations regarding cannabis edibles and concentrates come into effect tomorrow, October 17, 2019, on the one-year anniversary of the legalization of recreational use of certain forms of cannabis across Canada.
Federal Election 2019

On Monday, October 21, 2019, Canadians will return to the polls to elect a federal government. Pursuant to the Canada Elections Act (the “Act”), every Canadian citizen who is 18 years of age or older is entitled to three consecutive hours while polls are open on election day in order to cast their vote.