Family Status Accommodation and COVID-19

For many employers, managing the effects of COVID-19 in the workplace has required a delicate balance between two issues: the rights of employees to equitable treatment, and the obligations of an employer to operate a safe and productive workplace. A recent Ontario labour arbitration decision, United Steelworkers, Local 2251 and Algoma Steel Inc. (Gendron), Re, makes clear […]
Working from a Home Away from Home: Key Considerations for Employers Regarding Overseas Remote Work Arrangements

For many employers, the continued risk of COVID-19 has necessitated the transition to long-term “work from home” arrangements.
No Take-Backs: Ontario Decision Finds Employer Liable for Wrongful Dismissal After Rescinding Job Offer Prior to Start Date

In Kim v BT Express Freight Systems (2020), 317 ACWS (3d) 255 [Kim], the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (the “Court”) confirmed that an employer may be found liable for wrongful dismissal damages if it rescinds an accepted offer of employment without cause or notice,
The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal Awards Massive Damages to Employee Coerced Into Sexual Relationship with Supervisor

A recent decision of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (the “Tribunal”) highlights the complexities of determining whether sexual conduct between co-workers was consensual in the context of sexual harassment investigations,