Williams HR Law LLP

The Cannabis Act Passes Final Hurdle and Legalization Date Announced

On June 18, 2018 the Senate passed a finalized version of Federal Bill C-45, the Cannabis Act (the “Act”). The Act will become law upon receiving royal assent, which is expected to occur this week. In a press conference on June 20, 2018, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that the Act will come into force […]

WSIB Finalizes Operational Policy on Chronic Mental Stress

When the Ontario government passed Bill 127, the Stronger, Healthier Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2017 (“Bill 127”) in May 2017, it introduced significant amendments to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (the “WSIA”),

To Disclose or Not to Disclose: Privilege in Workplace Investigations

Workplace investigations are key in many areas of human resources law. Employers may conduct workplace investigation because they have a legal obligation to do so, because they have committed to do so in their own workplace policies, because conducting a workplace investigation may help mitigate risk, or for any combination of these reasons.

Employer’s Social Media Account Constitutes the Workplace

An Arbitrator recently considered whether an employer’s social media presence could be defined as part of the “workplace” and the attendant employer obligations arising from such a finding in Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 113 v. Toronto Transit Commission (Use of Social Media Grievance).