Williams HR Law LLP


Workplace Investigations

HRD Canada: Key factors for creating an effective whistleblower policy

When Twitter Fingers Trigger Investigations: Navigating Social Media Misconduct in the Workplace

Canadian HR Reporter: Worker gets $15,000 for discriminatory investigation – but doesn’t get job back

An Employee Dismissed for Wilful Misconduct May Not Be Entitled to Participate in an Investigation into the Misconduct

Employer Investigated and Used its Policies to Dismiss for Cause

Court Orders Employer to Produce Unredacted Complaints and Investigation Documents in Wrongful Dismissal Case

Employer’s Effective Workplace Investigation Leads to Dismissal of Complaint at BC Human Rights Tribunal

Dot the “I’s” and Cross the “T’s”: Alberta Arbitration Decision Highlights Importance of Investigating Before Taking Corrective Action

Managing Political Expression at Work: Key Strategies for Employers

Navigating Complex Investigations: Employer Ordered to Pay Damages for Discrimination After Faulty Investigation