Williams HR Law LLP


Workplace Safety and Insurance

Update on the R v Greater Sudbury (City) Decision: Ontario Superior Court of Justice Clarifies Employer Responsibilities to Demonstrate “Due Diligence”

Clear Investigation Leads to Clear Cause: Recent Decision Showcases Importance of Proper Workplace Investigations

Construction Site Owner Found to be an Employer Under OHSA Despite Lacking Direct Control over Employee

WSIB Benefits Granted to Employee who Drove Home Drunk and Crashed Employer’s Vehicle

Three-Day WSIB Reporting Deadline for Work-Related Accidents Now in Effect

Quebec Tribunal Held Worker Entitled to Workers’ Compensation for Occupational Injury Sustained while on Break at Home

Court of Appeal Confirms Employer Liability for Employee Injury Incurred Outside of the Course of Work

Great News: Employees Cannot Sue Employers for Constructive Dismissal Due to WSIB-Compensable Psychological Injuries Arising from Workplace Harassment

The New WSIB Rate Framework Is Almost Here: What Employers Need to Know

New WSIB Policy on Medical Cannabis Coverage Comes into Effect March 1, 2019